Friday, April 12, 2013

Pinned it Friday Haley Edition

Hey everyone!!! I hope you all are having a fabulous Friday!! My Friday has started out a little interesting.. toddler poop all over the place, a lovely sleepless night full of nursing (those I can handle they are worth it!) a baby blow out and some dog barf.... Is it nap time yet?!!!

But I have to say this has been a great week! I feel like I have gotten a lot of things checked off my to do list! and I am ready to share some of my favorite pins with you!

This first one is an awesome recipe that I tried last week! its so good!! its a dupe for Panera Breads broccoli cheese soup. I haven't tried Panera Breads version so I really cant say if it tastes any thing like it but I can tell you that it is oh so GOOD!

Go HERE for the recipe

This next one is an beautiful hand made sign from Jennifer Holmes who is the lady behind one of my favorite blogs of all time Dear Lillie. If you haven't ever checked her blog out I'm sorry, you have just lost your whole day to its pages she is incredible!!
Blog found HERE

This pin fulfills my love for crochet! and is oh so adorable! who doesn't love a good bow? I know I do! I seriously just pinned this a few weeks ago but didn't actually click on the link until today. Looks like this is a fabulous blog I will be going back to look at! LINK

This is a new crochet stitch I taught myself this week its super cute and can be paired with other stitches to create a custom edge design! LINK IT BABY

This last pin doesn't have a legitimate link but I think its an awesome sign!
why?? Because my twins are going to kill themselves and each other off before the end of the week! I don't think they understand that they only get one little body. This is it handle it with care!! They seem to think trying any and all possible ways to destroy it is a daily goal.. wish me luck!
Have a spectacular weekend all my friends!!!

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